Sunday, 14 December 2008

Ciclovia Nocturna

Yet another thing that I observed in Bogota is that every Sunday morning at 7AM they close some of the roads for vehicles except for the Cyclists (of course for walkers and joggers).  I like it.  It is called "Ciclovia"

Similarly couple of days back here they had something called "Ciclovia Nocturna".  This is similar to Ciclovia but it starts in the evening and goes on the whole night (I think so). 

The only inconvenience I had was that on my way back from work I had to walk a lot as some of the main roads were closed.  But that was ok for a day.

I went out with my Canon and started shooting after 11PM.  The city was awake and unusually active.  I could see happy faces riding cycles and people were standing on the road and watching the cyclists.  Small shops cropped up on the platform selling corn, winter hats and what not. 

I wanted to try out some tricks like motion blur and the like using my Canon and I think I achieved it to an extent.  You can view the fotos of Ciclovia nocturna by clicking here.

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